Education in South Africa: hits and misses over the past 25 years
State of the Nation addresses are delivered at the start of South Africa’s parliamentary year. They focus on the current political and socio-economic state, highlight […]
State of the Nation addresses are delivered at the start of South Africa’s parliamentary year. They focus on the current political and socio-economic state, highlight […]
The level of funding of the education sector has been recognised as one of the major factors that contribute to quality education. This, in turn, determines growth […]
By working three jobs while in college and with some financial assistance from her mother, Karen Hawkins managed to pay off her undergraduate loans of […]
A young dancer with flowing movements is rehearsing a choreography on a large mat in the hall of Los Feliz Charter School for the Arts, […]
The Career Expo organised for learners was hailed as a success by the organisers and learners that attended.
Magnus Killander, University of Pretoria Is South Africa regularly denying children their right to access education as well as health care on the grounds either […]
Iequality in education is evident in the lack of laboratories for the teaching of science in poor schools
The author argues that the film does not tell the whole story of the #FeesMustFall movement, especially how the fight for free, quality higher education had long been waged at historically black campuses.
A study conducted by the HSRC and commissioned by Grassroots Soccer and Soul City Institute show alarming rates of sexual violence towards primary school girls in Khayelitsha.
The poor cannot see the community engagements on changing the Constitution to expropriate land without compensation.
School security remains one of the biggest problems in the Western Cape. Four primary schools were robbed at gunpoint during the month of May. The Western Cape Education Department has put up R10,000 reward for information leading to the arrests ,of culprits. School principals and Equal Education believe the reward does not address the problem of school safety.
Walter Sisulu University management has claimed poverty as a reason for not attending to student complaints and demands for improved conditions in the university’s residences.