Khayelitsha clinics equipped for eye screening
The official launch of these services took place in Khayelitsha, Michael Mapongwana clinic, but they are also available in other areas such as Mfuleni and Nolungile clinic in Site C.
The official launch of these services took place in Khayelitsha, Michael Mapongwana clinic, but they are also available in other areas such as Mfuleni and Nolungile clinic in Site C.
The police are on a recruitment drive to boost the number of detectives in the service. CPF leaders say that unless the forensics capacity of the police is also improved, detective services will remain overwhelmed and disabled.
By Stats SA estimates, 1 in 5 children are victims of sexual violence while the Western Cape education department says there have only been five reported cases at schools in the province so far this year.
While students are preparing for year-end exams, Nsfas beneficiaries say their problems have not been addressed.
Unions and NGOs convened a meeting this Saturday to build a collective response to the housing crisis in inner city Johannesburg.
The cost of transport is up to half of a Khayelitsha household’s expenses and it is going ever up.
Communities along Cape Town’s central line complain of inadequate sanitation and access to water as the plan to relocate them stalls.
Half of the school’s prefab buildings are dilapidated, with rats and bees resident and the wind passing through.
Trains on Prasa’s central line in Cape Town have not run since November 2019, allowing landless people to move on to the railway. It is now unclear when rail services on the city’s busiest line will resume.
The Jagersfontein community say that they are worried about the snail pace to implement the recommendations of the report following the 2021 mine tailings dam collapse.
Zondani’s lawyer is optimistic that they will win the case while activists doubt that anything less than its dissolution will bring change to the municipality.
Enyobeni tavern owner takes a swipe at the inquest into the cause of death of 21 teenagers in his establishment while the families feel frustrated by the delay.