Companies criticised by unions during COVID-19
Trade unions lambast companies in South Africa for their their greed and disregard for workers’ rights amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Trade unions lambast companies in South Africa for their their greed and disregard for workers’ rights amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Backyarders from Makhaza who occupied land near Empolweni were evicted and their houses demolished by law enforcement.
Wastepickers are one group of informal economy workers who have been hit hardest by the lockdown and lack of planning by government to provide relief for the poor in South Africa.
Deemed as essential workers under the Disaster Management Act, retail workers are getting infected by the coronavirus and they continue to work without medical aid and other benefits.
The Michael Mapongwana Community Health Clinic operates in the Khayelitsha Health District of Cape Town’s Metro Region. During the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, community careworkers […]
Even as public healthcare teeters on a precipice, healthcare workers are not issued with adequate gloves and masks to perform their duties safely.
While their labour is deemed essential under the Covid-19 emergency, farmworkers are not considered important enough to be provided with safe transport.
Informal meat traders at Embengweni in Khayelitsha were ordered to stop operating just three days after the ban on informal food sellers was lifted.
With the lockdown into its eighth day in South Africa, Elitsha reporters spoke to different groups of marginalised workers about what the lockdown means to them and how the coronavirus has changed their working conditions.
The National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa (NUMSA) in the Western Cape has accused Golden Arrow Bus Services (GABS) of misleading the provincial […]
The strategy by SASSA to stagger payments of social grants fails as elderly and disabled people and shoppers stand in long queues in poor communities around Cape Town.
A group of residents and activists picketed outside Khayelitsha Training Centre on Tuesday demanding that the City of Cape Town re-connects their water so that they maintain best hygiene practice as it is one of the means to prevent the spread of COVID-19.