Thousands of people from mining affected communities in Limpopo , Carltonville, and the North West, marched to the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) on the 14th of November 2024 to show their determination to exercise their right to free, prior and Informed consent (FPIC) and have gathered an extensive mandate from thousands of communities across the country.
“This march is part of Macua’s attempts to making sure that the voices of mining affected communities are central to the MPRDA, which fails to address ongoing issues around consultation, consent and fulfillment of community development obligations by mining companies,” reads their memorandum.
A varied crowd of the elderly and the young, the protesters met at the Jubilee Park in Pretoria to prepare for the march ahead.
Macua organiser putting stickers on all arriving protestorsProtesters from Women Affected by Mining United in Action (Wamua) leading in song before the morning address.Elderly woman in focus as protesters circle in song.Macua, Wamua and Yacua convened the march in Jubilee Park, here being addressed by the organisers before the march to the DMRE.Marching for accountability of the mining industry through the streets of Tshwane. Arrival at the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy.Director of the DMRE signing the memorandum.
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