The teachings of HIV, TB and Covid: Value community healthcare workers more
Community healthcare workers are indispensable to fighting health epidemics yet most are treated as volunteers deserving only of a stipend.
Community healthcare workers are indispensable to fighting health epidemics yet most are treated as volunteers deserving only of a stipend.
With the end of the national state of disaster, the disastrous state of healthcare in the Eastern Cape as elsewhere in South Africa, continues.
Healthcare workers came from across the province to take their demand for re-employment to the office of the Eastern Cape health MEC in Bhisho. The premier and the MEC were away in East London so the memorandum of demands will be in their in-trays on Monday.
The EC health department is accused of not opening vacancies for the permanent employment of community care workers.
On day 378 of the national lockdown, Elitsha looks back at the past twelve months and the pictures we took.
For the second time under the covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, community care workers in Khayelitsha protested for better conditions of work.
Eastern Cape careworkers feel hopeful after meeting with the Department of Health.
After being violently removed by the police from the offices of the health department, community careworkers vowed to continue their struggle.
Community careworkers in the Eastern Cape marched to the provincial Department of Health demanding direct and permanent employment.
Even as public healthcare teeters on a precipice, healthcare workers are not issued with adequate gloves and masks to perform their duties safely.
In a matter of ten days, the number of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 in South Africa jumped from one to 62 cases.
About 300 community careworkers marched from Day Hospital in Site B Khayeltisha to the health district offices demanding better working conditions.