Cape Town’s busiest railway still a long way from restarting
Prasa says the plan is to have the Central Line operating again by next year December.
Prasa says the plan is to have the Central Line operating again by next year December.
With just over 7-million vaccines administered, physically disabled people feel that they have been left behind.
Daily commuting in Cape Town has never been so dangerous. Eighty people have been killed this year, casualties in a turf war between taxi associations.
On World Day For Decent Work, trade union federations in South Africa declared a national strike against the winds of austerity blowing out the national treasury.
Public transport in South Africa remains a public hazard 26 years into democracy.
Taxi associations in Gauteng staged a strike on Monday, 22 June, against the covid-19 relief grant from government.
The lockdown regulation requiring taxis to run at reduced capacity has, in the absence of relief funds from government, forced taxi owners to hike fares.
The National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa (NUMSA) in the Western Cape has accused Golden Arrow Bus Services (GABS) of misleading the provincial […]
The strategy by SASSA to stagger payments of social grants fails as elderly and disabled people and shoppers stand in long queues in poor communities around Cape Town.
Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain residents will have to put up with limited public transport for a long time to come.
Problems with public transport will continue to plague commuters from Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain this year.
To round off the year, Elitsha brings you some of the stories we covered this year.