Federations unite against corruption, poverty and austerity
On World Day For Decent Work, trade union federations in South Africa declared a national strike against the winds of austerity blowing out the national treasury.
On World Day For Decent Work, trade union federations in South Africa declared a national strike against the winds of austerity blowing out the national treasury.
International solidarity in a time of pandemic crises, courtesy of Numsa, sadly did not garner the media attention bestowed on the xenophobic Only One South Africa march in Pretoria.
Dozens of shack dwellers say they have to contend with sewage and uncollected rubbish in Masondo informal settlement near Phase 9 in Wallacedene, Kraaifontein. Some […]
The inadequate and lack of services at Silvertown informal settlement near Malmesbury affects women the most.
Silvertown’s water supply quadrupled thanks to covid-19 with the installation of three taps.
For the second time under the covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, community care workers in Khayelitsha protested for better conditions of work.
South Africa is said to have overcome the peak in covid-19 cases, while many African nationals will take much longer to recover from the lockdown.
Land occupiers whose homes in Empolweni and Ethembeni were wrecked by the flood of sewage have appealed to the City of Cape Town for help but the City is refusing.
Tomase still has longer to wait for her ID document that will give her and her children access to a social grant or the covid-19 emergency relief grant as a cushion against their grinding poverty.
Land occupiers promise to return to land they are evicted from as they cannot afford to rent the backyard shacks they stayed in before.
Civil society, community-based organisations, trade unions and activists protested in major cities and towns around the country to demand better living and working conditions.
Protests around the country to mark the start of a national campaign by different organisations to build and connect community struggles against covid-19 and government austerity took place on Saturday, 1 August.