Don’t GNU forget about me
Khayelitsha residents attending the speak-out organised by Cry of the Xcluded decried the loss of every sense of security.
Khayelitsha residents attending the speak-out organised by Cry of the Xcluded decried the loss of every sense of security.
Schools are busy with mid-year exams while some learners are still waiting to be placed in the Western Cape.
Voters in rural Vhembe district in Limpopo hope that the ballot box will bring about change in their circumstances.
If we fail to realise that the many-headed monster of youth unemployment requires us to shift the burden from individuals to systems and institutions, we will continue to chop off one head of the hydra, only for two more to grow in its place.
Student organisations have welcomed the move by Nzimande but warn that it does not immediately solve the problems at Nsfas.
Despite the 21 deaths of youth two years ago in the Enyobeni Tavern, drunken pens down parties continue.
The inquest into who is responsible for the deaths in June 2022 of 21 young people in Enyobeni Tavern, resumes on 29 February.
Hundreds of learners are still not in schools five weeks after the start of the school year.
The problems at NSFAS are having a ripple effect on student registration this year.
Activists used the opportunity to comment on the Draft White Paper on Human Settlements to call for policy changes.
The alternative state of the nation address by activists in Cape Town paints a picture of deepening poverty and inequalities.
The inquest into the Enyobeni Tavern tragedy in June 2022 has been postponed – for a third time – to get experts to testify on the building structure at the time and on the toxicology report.