Concerns of another Enyobeni as Pens Down 2023 parties start this weekend
Concerns about under-age drinking at year-end parties are growing in East London where in June last year, 21 teenagers lost their lives for as-yet unknown reasons.
Concerns about under-age drinking at year-end parties are growing in East London where in June last year, 21 teenagers lost their lives for as-yet unknown reasons.
With the December holidays just around the corner, Nsfas has opened for 2024 bursary applications but students say it is too late.
Two cases of sexual assault involving three EFFSC leaders at UWC provoked students to march against gender-based violence on campus.
A report by the Children’s Institute says that the rate of teenage pregnancy is linked to gender inequality, a lack of sex education and poor reproductive health services.
With only a week before final examinations, students at WSU are fighting for their October meal allowances from Nsfas.
While students are preparing for year-end exams, Nsfas beneficiaries say their problems have not been addressed.
While results of toxiciology reports have not been made public nor shared with the parents of the teenagers who died in Enyobeni Tavern, they doubt the stated cause of their death as suffocation.
An investigative report, compiled by the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (Outa), found that of the 20 mandatory requirements for financial service providers, the four appointed by Nsfas to disburse funds only met five.
The launch of the Cry of the Xcluded in the Western Cape saw activists from both sides of the railway line coming together to talk about issues affecting their communities.
The death of the rehab centre’s founder broke open divisions between his two wives over how the unregistered rehab centre will continue as an organisation.
The horrific accident that claimed the lives of five children has put a spotlight on the issue of learner transport in the country.
Some students were still digging in their heels and refusing to vacate the university residences by 16h00 on Friday, arguing that an eviction order would be required to make them go.