Kliptown residents threaten election boycott
Filthy toilets, illegal electricity and dilapidated houses a sore point for residents of Vaalkamers.
Filthy toilets, illegal electricity and dilapidated houses a sore point for residents of Vaalkamers.
Adopted by the ANC and its fellow Congress Alliance partners at Kliptown in 1955 the Freedom Charter has been a rallying symbol and inspiration for […]
As university students across the country intensify their demand for free education under the banner of #FeesMustFall, their cause has not been peaceful with incidents of violence being widely reported. Those who are sympathetic are getting worried that the violence associated with the students’ protests is sabotaging their legitimate claim which is in line with the Freedom Charter that there shall be free and compulsory education.
The realities of class warfare and struggle “Actually, there’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won” (Warren […]
No real freedom is possible under neoliberal monopoly capitalism There is little doubt that the Charter envisaged that an end to apartheid and the establishment […]
Scenes from Kliptown housing protest, 2007 Pics by anonymous trader at Walter Sisulu Square
The Freedom Charter was adopted in Kliptown sixty years ago and is still seen as the rallying point in South Africa today The Freedom Charter […]