Tsogo Sun Hotel workers on strike!

12th December 2017 Bernard Chiguvare 0

About 40 employees of Tsogo Sun Hotel have been on strike for week after the company failed to honour its promise to increase wages in July. The workers are demanding that those who have worked at the hotel for a long time be turned into full-time workers.

Political killings are a reflection of a violent society

8th December 2017 Ramatamo Sehoai 0

A recent SALGA report and the Moerane Commission have both shone a light on the pervasiveness of violent contestation over leadership positions in municipal and party-political forums. They also revealed how the inter and intra-party contestation for political office has had lethal consequences.

20 year wait for an RDP house

7th December 2017 Elitsha reporters 0

Residents of eNdumeni in Northern KwaZulu-Natal, who have been waiting for nearly 20 years to receive RDP houses are hopeful that justice will be done and Endumeni Municipality will be compelled to provide them with houses.

Emergency workers demand safe working conditions

6th December 2017 Mandla Mnyakama 0

It has been reported that more than 60 paramedics have fallen victim to armed robbery attacks since the beginning of the year in the Western Cape. The violent robberies are allegedly carried out by drug-abusing thugs and many of their victims are still receiving counseling for the trauma they suffered during such incidents.

100 Dead but no end in sight at Glebelands (Part 2)

6th December 2017 Vanessa Burger 0

Since the killing began in March 2014, 100 people have died in Glebelands Hostel-related violence – either violently from hitmen’s bullets; or more slowly, from stress-induced illnesses caused by the fear of living daily in the shadow death. With a death toll now reaching almost four times the number of people killed at Marikana – which evoked worldwide outrage, political humiliation, commissions of inquiry and support groups – it is instructive to reflect on the state and society’s response to Glebelands’ ongoing slaughter.

100 Dead but no end in sight at Glebelands (Part 1)

5th December 2017 Vanessa Burger 0

Since the killings began in March 2014, 100 people have died in Glebelands Hostel-related violence – either violently from hitmen’s bullets, or more slowly, from stress-induced illnesses caused by the fear of living daily in the shadow of death. With a death toll now reaching almost four times the number of people killed at Marikana – which evoked worldwide outrage, political humiliation, commissions of inquiry and support groups – it is instructive to reflect on the state and society’s response to Glebelands’ ongoing slaughter.  

People with disabilities demand better services from Metrorail

4th December 2017 Bernard Chiguvare 0

As part of International Day for People with Disabilities, a group of disabled train commuters took the train from Cape Town Station to Fish Hoek to illustrate the challenges that disabled commuters face on a daily basis when trying to board a train. They feel that Metrorail should be providing friendlier services to the disabled.