NUMSA determined to win 8% increase
Numsa handed a memorandum of demands to the Metal and Engineering Industry Bargaining Council (MEIBC) on the first day of its national strike in the sector.
Numsa handed a memorandum of demands to the Metal and Engineering Industry Bargaining Council (MEIBC) on the first day of its national strike in the sector.
It is barely 5am and Borun Haari* is already out on the streets of Kolkata, pushing his waste handcart. A door-to-door garbage collector and street […]
Sometimes referred to as the ‘oil of the 21st century’, metals such as nickel, cobalt and manganese are used to make the batteries that power […]
Although there is no reliable data, with an estimated 4 to 7 million people living outside of the country, Zimbabwe has one of the highest […]
Led by Giwusa, workers at university residences in major cities in South Africa have gone strike
Sadtu says there is a shortage of more than 2,000 teachers in KwaZulu-Natal.
Workers earning the minimum wage say that its increase earlier this year has not made life easier.
“It was a Saturday, and the street was full of demonstrators. We were filming the events from a corner,” recalls Shatha Hammad, a 28-year-old Palestinian […]
Workers in the Informal economy of Johannesburg say that the City has made things hard for them during lockdown.
The department of basic education in the Eastern Cape and nationally claims that Covid vaccination programme in the sector is going well.
The acrimonious wage dispute was settled with a 4% increment with Nestlé.
It was an accident that could have been avoided. While a waste collector was incinerating infectious waste at Connaught Hospital, Sierra Leone’s principal adult referral […]