Nehawu in Eastern Cape plans strike to hire more health workers
NEHAWU in the Eastern Cape says it will use a 21st of August strike by health workers to force the department to hire more staff.
NEHAWU in the Eastern Cape says it will use a 21st of August strike by health workers to force the department to hire more staff.
Ongoing human rights abuses in the country have reminded Zimbabweans that the regime did not change when Mugabe was ousted in 2017.
Civil society, community-based organisations, trade unions and activists protested in major cities and towns around the country to demand better living and working conditions.
Protests around the country to mark the start of a national campaign by different organisations to build and connect community struggles against covid-19 and government austerity took place on Saturday, 1 August.
South Asia is home to over 50 million home-based workers, most of whom are women. From agarbhatti incense stick rollers in India to piecework garment workers in Sri […]
During his visit to the Port Elizabeth area, Health Minister, Dr. Zweli Mkhize admitted that the health facilities in the Eastern Cape are in an appalling state.
Informal economy workers in Zimbabwe say the government imposed the lockdown without making sure they would have means to survive.
Healthcare workers at Frere hospital in East London say that their working conditions have not changed since they last protested in June.
Trade unions organising domestic workers in Zimbabwe say that employers are taking full advantage of the changing work environment imposed by the lockdown due to covid-19.
In February 2019, Spain’s fashion multinational Inditex put a new sweatshirt on the market with a promising slogan. Printed, in capital letters on a black […]
After being violently removed by the police from the offices of the health department, community careworkers vowed to continue their struggle.
Community careworkers in the Eastern Cape marched to the provincial Department of Health demanding direct and permanent employment.