Care workers demand better working conditions
For the second time under the covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, community care workers in Khayelitsha protested for better conditions of work.
For the second time under the covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, community care workers in Khayelitsha protested for better conditions of work.
South Africa is said to have overcome the peak in covid-19 cases, while many African nationals will take much longer to recover from the lockdown.
Land occupiers whose homes in Empolweni and Ethembeni were wrecked by the flood of sewage have appealed to the City of Cape Town for help but the City is refusing.
Women job-seekers have asked for government protection from sex pests.
Affected by the pandemic and the lockdown, early childhood development centres around the country are calling for government support.
Eastern Cape careworkers feel hopeful after meeting with the Department of Health.
The Eastern Cape Health Department assured care workers they would be signing permanent contracts on the 1st of June. In the midst of a pandemic against which they are frontline combatants, care workers in the Eastern Cape are still temporary workers.
South Africa has one of the world’s highest unemployment rates accounting for around 6.7-million people, 67% of whom are young people.
The City of Johannesburg is adamant that it will ensure that “anarchy” does not “prevail” as it continues to demolish houses despite the ongoing national state of disaster that prohibits evictions.
Overflowing sewage pollutes numerous settlements around the Eastern Cape city and makes living there unbearable.
Tomase still has longer to wait for her ID document that will give her and her children access to a social grant or the covid-19 emergency relief grant as a cushion against their grinding poverty.
NEHAWU in the Eastern Cape says it will use a 21st of August strike by health workers to force the department to hire more staff.