How Kerala managed to flatten the coronavirus curve
There are a number of countries that have earned plaudits internationally for saving hundreds of thousands of lives with their swift, effective and decisive responses […]
There are a number of countries that have earned plaudits internationally for saving hundreds of thousands of lives with their swift, effective and decisive responses […]
On a Sunday morning in April, the rising sun casts shadows over St Dominic’s Catholic Church in Yaba, a lively neighbourhood in the biggest city […]
Khayelitsha is the worst affected township in South Africa’s epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic with infections spreading through residential clusters or hotspots.
Millions of people have already lost their jobs as hundreds of thousands of shops, offices, restaurants, cafés and businesses throughout the world have had to […]
With a third of the world’s population under some form of government-mandated lockdown during recent months, hundreds of millions of people have been cooped up at home […]
Clusters of workers in essential services, in supermarkets especially, have tested positive for covid-19.
Since quarantine for the COVID-19 pandemic began (and as of writing this article, in the first week of May), more than 1,000 people have escaped […]
On the small Greek island of Lesvos (also known as Lesbos), 21,000 people are crowded into the Moria camp, which was originally designed for 3,000 […]
Despite claims by SASSA that it has dealt with the influx of grant applicants at its Khayelitsha office, those seeking help continue to sleep outside the building hoping not to be turned away the next day.
Hunger and a social security agency that is unprepared for the disbursement of the Covid-19 relief grant is what is causing the long queues.
Ex-mineworkers in South Africa and in the region say they will continue fighting for what is due to them amid the coronavirus outbreak
At the end of March this year, a new trending hashtag emerged on Twitter. #CoronaJihad, which blames Muslims for the spread of COVID-19 in India, […]