Khayelitsha residents march to Home Affairs
Long snaking queues are the order of the day at the Khayelitsha Home Affairs office.
Long snaking queues are the order of the day at the Khayelitsha Home Affairs office.
Tomase still has longer to wait for her ID document that will give her and her children access to a social grant or the covid-19 emergency relief grant as a cushion against their grinding poverty.
Getting any kind of service from a government department is going to be more difficult than usual when the lockdown will leave just skeleton staff in place. Photo by Mzi Velapi
The physical and inhumane separation of children from their families by US authorities has received harsh criticism around the world but a closer look at South Africa’s refugee laws show that they have the same result.
To mark World Refugee Day, foreign nationals marched to Parliament to call for for the re-opening of the Cape Town Refugee Reception Centre which has remained closed despite a court ruling that it must be reopened.