Careworkers in Khayelitsha march for better working conditions
About 300 community careworkers marched from Day Hospital in Site B Khayeltisha to the health district offices demanding better working conditions.
About 300 community careworkers marched from Day Hospital in Site B Khayeltisha to the health district offices demanding better working conditions.
Vendors that trade at central line stations say that the suspension of the railway service has negatively affected them.
A report from the Western Cape Department of Community Safety paints a bleak picture of how the police in the province are dealing with domestic violence.
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence seems way too little concern about the war on women.
The Water Services Act 108 of 1997 provides for the right to a basic water supply and sanitation service but the lived experiences of women in informal settlements of Khayelitsha tell how just using the toilet can be dangerous.
The #TotalShutDown protest in Cape Town blocked roads a year after first attempting to stop traffic to highlight violence in communities, poor policing and a lack of service delivery.
While the upgrading of informal settlements programme is government policy to tackle their developmental challenges, the City of Cape Town says that it will not provide services to the new settlement.
The transport minister and his deputy got stuck on a train in what looked like a public relations stunt.
Protesting Khayelitsha residents had to wait hours to be addressed by the City of Cape Town mayor after responses they got from his delegation proved unsatisfactory.
Ilitha Park and Phakamisa residents in Khayelitsha protested outside the municipal offices against high water bills on Thursday.
A survey by Elitsha reveals that women in informal settlements in Khayelitsha use toilets that lack privacy, safety and are not clean.
It has been 23 days since the fire and residents of Silvertown informal settlement are still battling to put their lives back together. They have not received disaster funds and identity documents and birth certificates they lost in the fire have still to be replaced.