Families of Rheinmetall Denel Munition victims call for a formal inquest
While a public inquiry by the Department of Labour found that the arms company has a case to answer, the NPA has closed the book on the case.
While a public inquiry by the Department of Labour found that the arms company has a case to answer, the NPA has closed the book on the case.
Cosatu and SACP are furious over the decision by the National Prosecuting Authority not to prosecute anyone, despite the finding of the public inquiry into the deadly 2018 blast that the arms company should be held accountable.
These are some of the stories we brought you in 2021. Expect more to follow in 2022.
Peace activist and country coordinator for World Beyond War, Terry Crawford- Browne, kept a diary of the inquiry into the explosion that happened in September 2018 at the Rheinmetall Denel Munition. These are his notes.
The explosion at the munitions plant in Macassar in the Western Cape took place in September 2018, taking the lives of eight workers and injuring one other.
In a public meeting held at Macassar Civic Hall on Thursday night, families of the workers slain by the September 2018 explosion at the Rheinmetall Denel munitions plant called for the company to be held accountable.