Top learners in the Western Cape awarded
The 2022 matric results saw an improvement in poor schools despite the lack of resources that impact on the provision of quality education.
The 2022 matric results saw an improvement in poor schools despite the lack of resources that impact on the provision of quality education.
The author argues that the Social Justice Assembly needs to overcome the social and political distance between the poor and the NGOs championing their cause.
These are some of the stories we brought you in 2022. Expect more to follow in 2023.
Amidst the shambles of many public schools in South Africa today, a story of success in the teaching and learning of science and maths.
Led by Giwusa, workers at university residences in major cities in South Africa have gone strike
Sadtu says there is a shortage of more than 2,000 teachers in KwaZulu-Natal.
The 198-year-old printing press published isiXhosa texts, much of which at its inception was Christian, but African literature from around the continent was later part of its output.
The department of basic education in the Eastern Cape and nationally claims that Covid vaccination programme in the sector is going well.
Education assistants and school principals hope that the contract for education assistants gets extended as they are playing an important role in learning and teaching under Covid-19.
On day 378 of the national lockdown, Elitsha looks back at the past twelve months and the pictures we took.
The aphorism ‘publish or perish’ began gaining popularity in Western academia in the first half of the 20th century. By the 1980s, it had become […]
While some schools in the Eastern Cape may have sufficient teachers, they may not have a library or laboratory – like Gcinubuzwe Combined School in Jansenville.