Massacre at Marikana: Union leaders caught between a rock and a hard place

17th August 2017 Martin Jansen 0

It has been five years since the Marikana Massacre which saw 34 miners dying at the hands of the South African Police Services after they went on a strike calling for a wage demand of R12,500 amongst other things. At the time of massacre Workers’ World Media Productions Director, Martin Jansen penned this piece and we thought we should re-publish it here since justice is still begging.

ANCYL leader wants Hanekom and SACP expelled

10th August 2017 Mzi Velapi 0

“Derek Hanekom has to be expelled for what he did and the SACP has to be expelled for marching against the President yesterday (Monday).” Sayed was addressing ANC supporters after President Jacob Zuma survived the motion of no confidence.

Opposition parties unite against Zuma

9th August 2017 Mandla Mnyakama 0

Following a similar proceeding the previous day by the United Behind Movement led by Mcebisi Jonas, the former Deputy Finance Minister, the more than 10,000 marchers from the ACDP, Cope, DA, EFF, and UDM, trade unions and Save South Africa declared that they will continue to mobilise until they get rid of the head of state.

1994 demobilization ‘our biggest mistake’ – Jonas

8th August 2017 Mzi Velapi 0

Former Deputy Minister of Finance, Mcebisi Jonas believes that the biggest historical mistake the country made after 1994 was to demobilize society and pin the country’s hopes on liberators and political parties. Jonas was addressing a crowd of demonstrators from civil society outside Parliament who were calling for President Zuma to be removed.

Unions condemn job cuts at Pick n Pay

3rd August 2017 Mzi Velapi 0

Pick n Pay has announced that it is to shed 3,500 jobs in the Western Cape. Its announcement was met this week by condemnation from the union at the frontline, SACCAWU as well as COSATU and SAFTU.

Divisions over shale gas in Morocco

2nd August 2017 Equal Times 0

The return of prospecting companies is raising hopes, amongst some, of an economic upturn in this region hard hit by poverty, as well as fears over potential shale gas exploitation on this land dedicated to grazing

The future of work in the era of artificial intelligence

1st August 2017 Equal Times 0

The premise that intelligent machines will perform tasks more efficiently and at a lower cost than human beings is by no means far-fetched. The challenges facing the workers of the future are multiplying before our very eyes.