Residents of Shaka’s Head march against evictions
Over 2,000 people will be affected by the eviction of Shaka’s Head
informal settlement.
Over 2,000 people will be affected by the eviction of Shaka’s Head
informal settlement.
EPWP workers in eThekwini have been protesting for a week now, demanding permanent employment.
EPWP workers march to save about 9,000 jobs that are set to be lost in eThekwini Municipality.
The trade unions in local government in eThekwini are shocked at the cancellation of contracts of about 9,000 EPWP workers.
Critics say the report on the July 2021 unrest is inadequate to understand the context behind the violence as it does not make links between the unrest and the arrest of Jacob Zuma.
On the 4th of July the National Public Transport Workers Association (Qina Mshayeli) notified the department of employment and labour of their intent to register the union.
The outcry against plans for an offshore seismic survey by Shell on the Eastern Cape coast is growing.
The KZN premier visited the police station with the highest number of reported rape cases as part of the launch of 16 Days of Activism.
The national police commissioner admitted that the police were overstretched during the unrest that tore through KZN and Gauteng.
The victims of the Phoenix masscare say that they were attacked based on their skin colour.
A lack of access to water by firefighters was at the centre of the fire that consumed 120 shacks in Durban.
Activists in Durban joined in the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice on 6 November that was called by the COP26 Coalition to coincide with the climate negotiations underway in Glasgow, Scotland.