Slow progress in migrating grant beneficiaries from Sassa gold to Postbank black cards
With three days before the cut-off date, 1.5-million grant beneficiaries still need to replace their Sassa cards.
With three days before the cut-off date, 1.5-million grant beneficiaries still need to replace their Sassa cards.
A new Sassa card means more long queues and frustration for grant beneficiaries.
The court ruled in favour of millions of South Africans who are not receiving the SRD grant.
The exclusion of millions of South Africans from receiving the SRD grant is being tested in court.
Led by the People’s Health Movement, activists took to the streets of Cape Town to highlight food insecurity in the country.
Khayelitsha residents attending the speak-out organised by Cry of the Xcluded decried the loss of every sense of security.
Amandla.Mobi is calling for the Competition Commission to investigate the food price difference between farm gate and retail store.
Cuts to government’s health and education budgets are unjustified and crippling the economy while increasing inequality, the protesters argued.
The SAHRC inquiry into child health in the Eastern Cape found that between April 2021 and March 2022, 116 children died of severe acute malnutrition.
A report by the Children’s Institute says that the rate of teenage pregnancy is linked to gender inequality, a lack of sex education and poor reproductive health services.
The author argues that government is failing to respond to the lived reality of communities by increasing the amount of the ‘Covid’ grant given to the poorest and making it more accessible.
The finance minister would deny in his speech that he was presenting an austerity budget, but confirmed the expectations of public sector unions and the unemployed who marched in Cape Town against budget austerity.