Numsa members want no deal with Sizwe Medical Aid
Sizwe Medical Aid in the experience of dissenting auto workers has failed to pay doctors’ bills and bankrupted members.
Sizwe Medical Aid in the experience of dissenting auto workers has failed to pay doctors’ bills and bankrupted members.
Residents of Khowa in the Eastern Cape are still waiting for the hand over of the R23-million facility built by Thalami Civils.
The death in custody of a man accused of murder sparked demonstrations in support of the detainees awaiting trial for crimes committed during the Phoenix massacre.
Temporary relocation area residents say the upcoming local government elections are not going to change their living conditions.
Three weeks since the court hearing on water provision to Centane, there is still no clean water in their taps.
Marikana residents say they have had to put up with heaps of rubbish on their doorstep for months now.
Amidst a pandemic and a healthcare system teetering on the brink of collapse, corruption in the department of health should be intolerable. TAC is demanding action.
The EC health department is accused of not opening vacancies for the permanent employment of community care workers.
Healthcare staff shortages, broken clinic buildings and corruption top the problems observed by the TAC in the People’s Health Manifesto.
As World Homeless Day was marked, the City of Cape Town declared it intends appealing a court ruling that it pay compensation to homeless people it removed from District 6.
Eastern Cape municipalities have spent millions on sub-standard and some times useless facilities, built by construction company, Thalami Civils.
Numsa handed a memorandum of demands to the Metal and Engineering Industry Bargaining Council (MEIBC) on the first day of its national strike in the sector.