Residents of newly occupied settlements demand basic services
Residents of newly occupied areas in Cape Town struggle to maintain a dignified life without water, electricity and sanitation services.
Residents of newly occupied areas in Cape Town struggle to maintain a dignified life without water, electricity and sanitation services.
For the second time under the covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, community care workers in Khayelitsha protested for better conditions of work.
The chilling deaths of three teachers from different schools in Khayelitsha due to the coronavirus and the general unsanitised schooling environment reported by the Khayelitsha […]
The KEF says that the Western Cape Education Department has no plan to deal with COVID-19 as the schools re-open while shifting responsibilities to schools.
Despite claims by SASSA that it has dealt with the influx of grant applicants at its Khayelitsha office, those seeking help continue to sleep outside the building hoping not to be turned away the next day.
Hunger and a social security agency that is unprepared for the disbursement of the Covid-19 relief grant is what is causing the long queues.
Jobs at Khayelitsha District Hospital that were advertised via social media have been withdrawn.
The Michael Mapongwana Community Health Clinic operates in the Khayelitsha Health District of Cape Town’s Metro Region. During the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, community careworkers […]
Even as public healthcare teeters on a precipice, healthcare workers are not issued with adequate gloves and masks to perform their duties safely.
A group of residents and activists picketed outside Khayelitsha Training Centre on Tuesday demanding that the City of Cape Town re-connects their water so that they maintain best hygiene practice as it is one of the means to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
A small business owner at the Khayelitsha Mall says that the fire that engulfed Shoprite stores on Tuesday was like a final nail in the coffin for small businesses at the mall.
Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain residents will have to put up with limited public transport for a long time to come.