Train commuters call for Metrorail to get its act together
Suspension of trains on Cape Town’s Cental Line that goes to Bishop Lavis, Mitchells Plain and Khayelitsha left thousands scurrying around looking for alternative transportation.
Suspension of trains on Cape Town’s Cental Line that goes to Bishop Lavis, Mitchells Plain and Khayelitsha left thousands scurrying around looking for alternative transportation.
As part of International Day for People with Disabilities, a group of disabled train commuters took the train from Cape Town Station to Fish Hoek to illustrate the challenges that disabled commuters face on a daily basis when trying to board a train. They feel that Metrorail should be providing friendlier services to the disabled.
Cape Town Councillor for Transport and Urban Development announced the City’s intention to take over management of commuter rail. Cosatu differs, saying that public transport must be the responsibility of higher tiers of government, as well as warning of a political ploy