Toilet cleaners work under poor working conditions

28th October 2017 Manqulo Nyakombi 1

Toilet cleaners in East London are complaining about bad working conditions. Working under the Expanded Public Works Programme, the cleaners, the majority of them women, say they do not get protective gear and sometimes have to buy cleaning materials themselves. Some work without an uniform.

57-year old Eastern Cape woman without an ID

25th October 2017 Manqulo Nyakombi 0

“This is very frustrating. I just thank God that I do not have children otherwise they were going to suffer just like me. I’m being treated as a stranger in my own country. I feel like I do not belong here because I do not have anything that identifies me as South African”

Residents march over policing in Marikana Informal settlement

5th October 2017 Bernard Chiguvare 0

Following the senseless murder of 11 people last weekend, the residents of Marikana informal settlement with the Social Justice Coalition marched in Cape Town and handed memorandums to the City of Cape Town, SAPS, IPID, the Department of Community Safety and the Police Ombudsman, demanding better policing and services to the area.

Informal settlements only use 4% of municipal water

18th September 2017 Mandla Mnyakama 0

Throughout the water restrictions in Cape Town there has been a narrative that accusses the black working class in townships of wasting municipal water. The accusations have gotten worse after the City of Cape Town introduced level 5 water restrictions which entail a ban on all uses of municipal drinking-quality water for outside and non-essential purposes. Out on fact-finding mission, Elitsha found out that people in informal settlements only use up to 4% of total of municipal water.

Evictions in central Joburg leave families stranded

18th August 2017 Ramatamo Sehoai 0

The gentrification that is taking place in central Johannesburg has left families evicted from Fattis Mansions last month, stranded in tents set up in a stadium south of the city. In what is effectively a refugee camp, the living conditions are bad. The Mayor of Johannesburg, Herman Mashaba from the Democratic Alliance, is an advocate for gentrification of the inner city, not the rights of the people living there.

River Park residents frustrated at long delay to complete the building of flats

26th July 2017 Ramatamo Sehoai 0

An unfinished block of flats in River Park near Alexandra township north of Johannesburg has infuriated the local residents who scramble for every piece of land for human settlement. They recently invaded the flats that were built in 2009 but left incomplete. Now wanting to make their occupation permanent, they want to know who owns the flats and why they have been left in that condition.